Labor Day Melee

Aug 29th thru Sept 1st, 2025
Long Island Hot Stove Baseball is hosting the LABOR DAY MELEE for ages 8u - Varsity. In order to participate, your team must have insurance. A copy of your league-team insurance must be provided at time of registration.
Teams will play a minimum of three games, with the opportunity for up to five. This format can play over the course of two or three days. In most cases where an event is listed over three days only a select few teams play night games on the first date listed - all other teams would begin the following morning
Game Baseballs and Certified Umpires included
- Teams play a minimum of 3 games with an opportunity for up to 5 games
- Format will be posted with the schedule on the Tuesday before the tournament begins
- Playoff and Championship Games follow Pool Play Games
- free tournament bid for championship team
- 60’ Games - One umpire for all games
- 75’ & 90’ Games 2 Umpires for all games
- Brand New Baseballs For Every Game
- No hidden fees
Online Roster to be inputted through LI Hot Stove Website which must include all coaches/players dates of birth and parent’s valid email address
Required Registration Waiver form
Insurance Certificate with "LI Hot Stove Baseball" listed as additionally insured
All of your games will be played on our fields. All schedules will be completed the week before the scheduled start date and posted online the Tuesday prior to the tournament. Games will be held on
Aug 29th thru Sept 1st, 2025. If you have any questions please email them to:
7u-9u $695 per team
10u & up $795 per team
Ages: 8u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u, 13u, 14u, 15u, 16u, Varsity